ifmat - US-Iran nuclear deal will strengthen Russia and IRGC

US-Iran nuclear deal will strengthen Russia and IRGC

The US and Iran are making slow but steady progress in returning to the nuclear deal, which would relieve Iran of billions of dollars worth of sanctions in exchange for limitations on its nuclear program.
ifmat - Germany Confirms one of its nationals arrested In Iran

Germany Confirms one of its nationals arrested In Iran

Germany Confirms one of its nationals arrested In Iran, Germany Confirms one of its nationals arrestedGermany's Foreign Ministry has confirmed the arrest of a German national in Iran for allegedly taking pictures in "prohibited areas."
ifmat - Iran unveils massive underground UAV facility

Iran unveils massive underground UAV facility

On August 25, Iran’s Army completed a massive two-day statewide drone drill, demonstrating up to 150 drones for combat, reconnaissance, and electronic warfare activities.