The Basij Resistance Force – Involved In

ifmat - Iran sees continuing night rallies against the mullahs regime

Iran sees continuing night rallies against the mullahs’ regime

Protesters in various cities of Iran are continuing their anti-regime measures once again through a renewed campaign of night rallies to express their utter hatred of the ruling dictatorship. ...
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ifmat - MEK Explain why So-called cultural revolution hurt Iran

Iranian Regime Tactics Against Its Principal Opposition – Part 2

Demonization Another attempt by the regime to confront the MEK is to strictly demonize, delegitimize, and invalidate the entire resistance movement inside and outside Iran. This sophisticated vilification campaign
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ifmat - Chemical Attacks On Schoolgirls Resume In Iran

Iran: Protests Escalate Following New Wave Of Gas Attacks Targeting Schools

Iran’s nationwide uprising is witnessing its 207th day on Monday following more chemical gas attacks targeting at least six all-girls schools in Saqqez and another in Sanandaj, both located ...
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ifmat - Protests in Iran escalate following new wave of gas attacks targeting schools 1

Protests in Iran escalate following new wave of gas attacks targeting schools

Iran’s nationwide uprising is witnessing its 207th day on Monday following more chemical gas attacks targeting at least six all-girls schools in Saqqez and another in Sanandaj, both located ...
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ifmat - Iranian Regime Tactics Against Its Principal Opposition MEK

Iranian Regime Tactics Against Its Principal Opposition

Regime Tactics The uprising and its longevity have exposed the regime’s intrinsic vulnerability and desperation to end or at least reduce the power of the unrest. At the time ...
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ifmat - Protests erupt in Tehran as people in Iran renew calls for regime change

Protests erupt in Tehran as people in Iran renew calls for regime change

Iran’s nationwide uprising is marking its 203rd day on Thursday following a busy night of intense anti-regime protests and rallies in the capital Tehran. The Iranian people are sending ...
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