The Basij Resistance Force – Involved In

ifmat - How Iran IRGC Gets Away with Murder

EU may still designate Iran’s IRGC as a terrorist group France says

The EU has not ruled out designating Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organisation, the French Foreign Ministry has said.
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ifmat - The Regime Continues Executions on the Cusp of the UNGA

Turning Point In Iran As Regime Steps Up Executions

Over the weekend, the regime executed two men by hanging. Both were protesters in what has turned out to be the greatest challenge to the regime’s survival since the ...
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ifmat - Iranian student protestors poisoned ahead of mass protests

Iran Protests At Least 44 Defense Attorneys Arrested Since September

January 10, 2023 – While the Islamic Republic has been gunning down and executing street protesters, it has also been arresting defense attorneys
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ifmat - Iran charges three detained Australians with spying

Australian MPs throw support behind Iranians who are facing execution

When it became clear that a young karate champion was facing imminent execution, Liberal MP Keith Wolahan wrote an urgent message to the Iranian embassy in Canberra
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ifmat - Iran protest supporters face arrests, working bans

Executions in Iran quell protest in the streets

The success of the crackdown on the worst political turmoil in years is likely to reinforce a view among Iran's hardline rulers that suppression of dissent is the way ...
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ifmat - Sources Say Basij Commander Killing Was Inside Job By Iran Guards

Sources Say Basij Commander’s Killing Was Inside Job By Iran Guards

Iran International has learned that Ghasem Fathollahi, an officer of the Revolutionary Guards who was killed in Tehran, was assassinated by the IRGC intelligence.
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