The Basij Resistance Force – Involved In

ifmat - Iran appoints terrorist IRGC linked official as Iraq envoy

Iran appoints terrorist IRGC linked official as Iraq envoy

Iran has appointed a man with apparent links to the terrorist IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps) intelligence organization as the new ambassador to neighboring Iraq.
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ifmat - Iranian IRGC presence at Qatari defence exhibition draws fire from UAE

Iranian IRGC presence at Qatari defence exhibition draws fire from UAE

The presence of Iranian IRGC officers at the 2022 Doha International Maritime Defense Exhibition and Conference (DIMDEX), held on March 21-23, garnered extensive media attention.
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ifmat - Iranian terrorist IRGC and its outsized role trap the country in vicious cycle

Iranian terrorist IRGC and its outsized role trap the country in vicious cycle

The Iranian terrorist IRGC dominates the country’s economy and funds its proxies at the expense of the people, maintaining the status quo by suppressing protests.
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ifmat - Delisting Iran terrorist designated IRGC will have serious consequences

Delisting Iran’s terrorist designated IRGC will have serious consequences

The Biden administration and the Democrats are doing everything to prop up Iran “in ways that undermine the national security of US and Israel,” Republican congressman Chip Roy said ...
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ifmat - Iraqi Government Drops UN Complaint Against Iran Over IRGC Missile Strike in Erbil

Iraqi Government Drops UN Complaint Against Iran Over IRGC Missile Strike in Erbil

Baghdad has withdrawn its complaint to the UN Security Council about an IRGC Missile Strike on a cluster of buildings in Erbil last month, according to Al-Arabi al-Jadeed.
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ifmat - Iranian IRGC eyes Lebanon energy through its Hezbollah proxy

Iranian IRGC eyes Lebanon’s energy through its Hezbollah proxy

Iran’s offer to help Lebanon build two power stations amid its current electricity crisis has been dismissed as a publicity stunt in Lebanon and derided in Iran, where the ...
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