Zaynabiyoun Brigade – Involved In

Iranian Proxies Wreak Havoc Beyond the Middle East

Three months after exchanging tit-for-tat airstrikes, Iran and Pakistan are patching diplomatic wounds. Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi embarked on a three-day trip to Pakistan on April 22, where he ...
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Pakistan Designates Iran-Backed Shiite Militant Group Zainebiyoun

On Thursday, Islamabad designated the Zainebiyoun Brigade, an Iran-backed Shiite militant group, as a terrorist organization. Formed by the IRGC after the Syrian civil war began, the Zainebiyoun Brigade, ...
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Iran’s proxy war on the modern world

Since the Islamic-Marxist revolt of 1979, the Iranian mullahs’ regime has consistently pursued a policy of exporting its revolutionary ideology. A key element of this strategy is the support ...
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ifmat - Iran-Backed Zainabiyoun Brigade could become Pakistan problem

Iran-backed Zainabiyoun Brigade still a threat

The Zainabiyoun Brigade, an Iran-backed militant outfit that sent young Pakistanis to fight in Syria, remains a threat to the South Asian nation’s security, experts say, despite a recent ...
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ifmat - Iran brutal militias are standing by for US sanctions to be eased

Iran’s brutal militias are standing by for US sanctions to be eased

Jonathan Spyer argues that it is vital President Biden does not allow the cash to flow again
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ifmat - Iran-Backed Zainabiyoun Brigade could become Pakistan problem

Iran-Backed Zainabiyoun Brigade could become Pakistan problem

Iran, in an effort to develop strict security policies as the events that broke out in Tunisia at the end of 2010 spread across the Middle East in a ...
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