A high-ranking official of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) died on Saturday after suffering from an undisclosed illness, Iran’s state media reported.

General Vajihollah Moradi was a commander within the Guds Force, the foreign wing of the IRGC.

He was also identified as a comrade of the late General Qassem Soleimani, a prominent Iranian commander leader killed in a US drone strike in 2020.

Details surrounding the nature of General Moradi’s illness were not disclosed.

Iranian state media announced that a funeral ceremony will be held for him in the northern Iranian city of Babolsar.

Iran’s involvement in regional conflicts, particularly the Syrian civil war, has resulted in casualties among its military personnel.

While Iranian officials claim their presence in Syria is limited to an advisory role, hundreds of Iranian soldiers have died in the ongoing conflict.

Source » iranintl