At the start of the academic year, Iranian regime president Ebrahim Raisi expressed concern about communications between students. Addressing parents and teachers, he said, “Allowing children to be immersed in this space, in a communicative environment without considering the required upbringing, may influence their thoughts, ethics, and behavior. There are thieves who want to shape the children’s thinking, ethics, and actions according to their own desires in this way.”

Raisi did not explicitly state what he meant by “thieves.” However, the Friday prayer speakers addressed what he was unable to say. The Friday prayer in Ilam Province, selected by the regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, said, “Teachers and professors should clarify the realities in the face of deviant thoughts that surround the young generation, so that the defeated enemies of the revolution cannot recruit students and university students”.

The speaker of Friday prayers in Kish said, “One of the factors contributing to last year’s disturbances was the virtual space… Family members should monitor and control their children’s use of the virtual space, so that they don’t fall into the trap of enemies.”

Furthermore, the Friday prayer speaker in Tabriz said, “One of the characteristics of the new academic year is that current concerns stem from the cultural situation due to the sedition of the past year. This concern should exist because we should be realistic, and must think of solutions and plan for this concern.”

On September 21, the state-run Moj news agency reported that concurrently with the new academic year, the Minister of Education announced the change of 20,000 school principals. He stated that this year, close to 20,000 school principals have been replaced, and 7,000 schools have been identified to be “transformed” and these activities will commence in 5,000 schools this year.

All evidence shows that Khamenei is concerned about potential protests taking place in schools. However, extending the purification project in universities and applying to schools under the guise of “transformation” indicates merely the regime’s fear of an imminent uprising.

This fear is evident in the concern expressed by the Director General of the University Jihad Protection, who said, “The enemy intends to target all sectors of our society, including elites, students, and university students… At any moment, the enemy might carry out a new plan… The disturbances were primarily led by the [PMOI].” (Source: The state-run ISNA news agency, September 12)

The dimensions of the repressive regime’s conspiracies in universities and the intensification of fear regarding students joining the astonishing uprising are remarkable. Even the “coffee shops” surrounding universities are not spared from these extensive security measures.

These measures, under the name of the Second Cultural Revolution, are aimed at securing universities. They are implemented by the National Security Council, led by Ahmad Vahidi, the former commander of the terrorist IRGC Quds Force and current interior minister. In fact, these actions indicate that Khamenei is deeply afraid of uprising in society as a whole, particularly in schools and universities, and specifically fears the younger generation.

Source » mojahedin