Iranian media reported a collective resignation of professors at Sharif University of Technology on the eve of the anniversary of the attack by security forces on the university. According to the state-run Shargh newspaper, members of the faculty council of Sharif University, including the council’s secretary, resigned collectively.

Reports indicate that this collective action, which led to the “dissolution” of the council, took place on the eve of the anniversary of the attack on Sharif University on October 2, 2022.

In this regard, Vahid Karimipour, a professor at the Faculty of Physics and the secretary of the faculty council, announced his decision in a letter, citing “summons by an external entity” as the reason for his resignation.

In his letter, he stated, “This council was formed with the aim of optimizing the use of faculty opinions and assisting university management in better administration of university affairs.” He added, “From the beginning, all members of this council believed that they could fulfill this duty through constructive negotiations with university management and within the university.”

Karimipour further emphasized that he “did not expect that carrying out this university duty would result in an invitation from an external [security] entity for negotiations regarding university issues.” He stated, “Naturally, while welcoming such negotiations in his office, he considers attending an institution outside the university as contrary to respecting the position of all university professors in general.”

After Vahid Karimipour’s resignation from the position of secretary and membership in the faculty council of Sharif University, Saeed Shahrokhyan, a professor at the Faculty of Chemistry, and Farzin Jafarzadeh, a professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, also resigned from their membership in the council. They also cited reasons such as “lack of atmosphere and suitable conditions for carrying out the duties of the faculty council” and “the need for peace and sufficient focus on educational and research activities” for their resignations.

The resignations of the members of the faculty council of Sharif University continued on September 30, and Sohrab Rahvar, a professor at the Faculty of Physics, and Ali Abedian, a professor at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering of the university, also resigned from the “Sharif University Faculty Council.”

Last year, during the nationwide protests that escalated after the killing of Mahsa Amini while in the custody of the “Morality Police,” a peaceful gathering of students at Sharif University of Technology on Monday, October 2, 2020, was confronted by security forces, Basij, and plainclothes agents. At least 40 people were detained in the attack on Sharif University. Attacks and shootings at the dormitories of Sharif University and the university parking lot were also reported, and some students on the campus were besieged by security forces.

After the attack on this university, student guild councils across the country announced in a statement that security forces had detained and transferred a group of students to an unknown location.

A few hours after the attack on Sharif University, the Islamic Student Association of the university called for protests and strikes by all students and university members in the country.

On October 3, 2022, the “Aftab News” website reported on the events at Sharif University, stating that the “Minister of Science” was present at the university, and there was a “heated exchange” and “threatening tone” between the minister and the students.

“Aftab News” described the attack by stating that published images and videos of the incidents at Sharif University showed that some motorcyclists had entered the university and attempted to detain students, and “gunfire was also heard.”

In recent weeks, with the start of the academic year in Iran, a fresh wave of restrictions has begun in universities, ranging from preventing the entry of certain students to the installation of face recognition cameras and the expansion of gender segregation in university environments.

Prior to the start of the academic year and on the eve of the anniversary of Mahsa Amini’s death, various reports of the expulsion of critical professors were published, citing reasons such as “termination of cooperation,” “cancellation of contracts,” or disqualification by “security authorities.”

These seven professors were elected as members of the “Faculty Guild Council” of Sharif University with a vote of 160 professors in the November of last year.

Source » iranfocus