Today, the Middle East, in general, and Palestine and Gaza, in particular, are engulfed in the flames of war. This war is fueled by the delicate and fragile bones of children, the tears and sighs of mothers who have lost their children, and the destruction of buildings, infrastructures, and structures that were erected with human struggle and money.

Hardly a day goes by without the news being filled with the tragedies of this war and painful scenes of civilian burials. The buildings demolished in the bombings represent only one grim aspect of this war. Another heart-wrenching scene is witnessing hungry and frightened children reaching out to UN workers for a bit of food, adding another layer to the moral weight of this conflict.

The sight of hostages and prisoners on both sides, shrouded in an aura of fear and hope, paints a picture of contemporary humanity surrounded by the ravages of war. Who can turn a blind eye to the crushing impact of these scenes and images?

Which destructive hand has ignited the spark of this incendiary war?

While the policy of appeasement aims to protect pragmatic interests and shields the primary warmonger from accusations, the identity of this malevolent force is widely known.

For about forty years, the Iranian resistance has been the sole entity exposing the destructive plans of the Iranian regime. On November 28th, a conference was held in the British Parliament. Non-partisan representatives of the British Parliament, Iran experts, and representatives of the democratic opposition coalition of Iran, the National Council of Resistance of Iran, gathered to discuss the situation in the Middle East region. One of the topics was the inclusion of the Revolutionary Guards in the list of terrorist organizations by the United Kingdom. They urged the United States and the UK to adopt a more robust stance against the Iranian regime.

In a message to this conference, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi presented the solution to defeating the Iranian regime, the main instigator of the war in Gaza, rejoicing in the suffering of the Palestinian people. She stated that the mullahs’ regime is at war with the international community and the region to maintain its sovereignty. She pointed to the latest example of this regime’s terrorism, the assassination attempt on Professor Alejo Vidal Quadras, the former vice president of the European Parliament.

Mrs. Rajavi’s assessment of the political landscape reveals that the regime’s wars encompass conflicts with the international community, the region, and its own people. The war with the international community involves activities such as building a nuclear bomb or deploying deadly drones on the people of Ukraine. The war with regional countries entails supporting proxy militia groups and igniting conflicts in Syria, Yemen, Iraq, and now Gaza. The third and most critical war the regime wages is against the people of Iran. Since the recent war in Gaza began, the mullahs have executed more than 200 people in Iran, aiming to quash any resurgence of an uprising through brutality.

It’s crucial to understand that the brutality of the Iranian regime signifies weakness, not strength. The regime is attempting to export its crises beyond its borders in the face of growing popular opposition and demands for genuine democratic change.

Many have erroneously interpreted the regime’s militant stance as a sign of strength. Without meddling in foreign countries, Khamenei’s fragile and vulnerable regime cannot withstand another uprising like those in 2017, 2019 and 2022.

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) operates under the direct leadership of Ali Khamenei and is obligated to defend and, more importantly, export the Islamic Revolution. It accomplishes this by inciting religious and regional unrest, while ruthlessly suppressing any internal dissent or uprising in Iran.

It’s essential to recognize that the problem with the Iranian regime and the Revolutionary Guards lies in their nature—their treatment of the Iranian people, the suppression of protests, the oppression of women, dealing with the opposition, and the execution of thousands of people. As we see, this policy extends abroad to target foreign opponents.

To put an end to the warmongering policies of the mullahs’ regime and prevent the sacrifice of thousands of innocent people in the region and worldwide, Mrs. Rajavi emphasized four urgent and necessary policies:

Designating the regime’s Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist group.
Activating the trigger mechanism based on Security Council Resolution 2231.
Placing the regime under Chapter 7 of the United Nations Charter.
Recognizing the struggle of the Iranian people to overthrow the regime and the fight of the rebel youth against the IRGC.

In conclusion, Mrs. Rajavi emphasized that the solution lies in the Resistance—a clear and practical solution. The Iranian people may pay the price for this solution, but the overthrow of this regime will bring peace and security to the entire world.

If religious fascism and the IRGC view warmongering and terrorism as complementary aspects of suppressing and containing uprisings within Iran, then appeasement towards them is a betrayal of global peace and security. The Iranian regime poses an immediate threat to world peace and security. The only path to world peace and stability is solidarity with the people of Iran for a free and democratic Iran.

When discussing blacklisting the IRGC, it is not meant to advocate for a military campaign and the occupation of Iran. Instead, it recognizes the existence of an internal Iranian solution and a democratic alternative.

Source » irannewsupdate