The Middle East is currently embroiled in one of its most painful wars in history. History has shown that dictatorships often initiate wars, but rarely bring them to a conclusion. This tendency is inherent in the nature of dictatorships, underscoring the importance of people’s awareness and vigilance. Iran, under the rule of the mullahs, is no exception to this basic principle. Figures like Reza Pahlavi, Ruhollah Khomeini, and Ali Khamenei initiated their dictatorships, but as witnessed, one was overthrown by the people in 1979, and the religious regime of Velayat-e Faqih will face a similar fate. Ultimately, people are the true architects of the story, a lesson reiterated by science and philosophy throughout history.

Reflecting on the ongoing war in the Middle East that began on October 7, it becomes evident that the root cause lies in the religious regime ruling Iran since 1979. The regime’s foundation rested on suppressing freedoms within Iran, and its continuity relied on war-mongering and exporting crises beyond its borders. This pattern was evident in the eight-year Iran-Iraq war, support for the Assad family’s dictatorship in Syria, the establishment of Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the fostering of terrorism and war in Palestine. The regime’s tactics extended to other nations, using terrorism and fundamentalism to threaten and maintain its dictatorship.

Contemplate what the region and the global community would look like if such a regime never came to power. It is worth mentioning that so far, the Iranian resistance played a crucial role in preventing the regime from further deteriorating the situation.

Examining the wars and crises of the past four decades reveals the fingerprints of the world powers’ appeasement policy toward the Iranian regime. The current situation in Iraq is a direct outcome of this policy. Failure to halt this approach will likely lead to worsening conditions in Iraq, akin to Lebanon and Palestine. Governments must stand by the people and the resistance of Iran to prevent further advancements by the oppressive religious regime.

Recently, former NATO commander General James Jones emphasized that Iran’s regime is the undeniable center of regional instability and chaos. He highlighted the regime’s destruction of Middle East stability and its export of terror and extremism to maintain dominance, particularly evident in the Palestine issue.

Regarding the explosive situation in Iranian society, he described the country as a ticking time bomb due to tyranny, economic distress, incompetence, and corruption. Events like the 1988 massacre and the election of Ebrahim Raisi intensified this volatile combination. The 2022 uprising, despite heavy casualties, demonstrated both the regime’s weakness and the Iranian people’s determination for change.

Stability and the region’s future hinge on the progress of the people and the future of Iran. General Jones advocated supporting the aspirations of the Iranian people for a democratic republic free from religious or monarchic dictatorship. The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), particularly the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), embodies the true spirit of Iran.

Dr. Liam Fox, the former defense minister of England, and other global leaders recognize the IRGC as the main entity behind internal repression, regional war-mongering, and the expansion of kidnapping, hostage-taking, and terror cells in Europe and America.

Regardless of one’s perspective on the regional war, it stems from the detrimental privileges granted to the Iranian regime through the appeasement policy of the West over the last four decades. The source of the crisis is the regime itself, holding not only Iran and its people captive but also other Middle Eastern countries hostage, increasing its blackmail and bargaining with the international community.

While identifying the true source of the Middle East crisis to the international community and world powers, it is crucial to emphasize that the Iranian Resistance seeks an Iranian solution and rejects external interference. The only request from the Resistance is an end to the appeasement policy and the blacklisting of the IRGC. Targeting the head of the snake, the Iranian regime, is the most effective way to aid the people and the resistance of Iran, focused on overthrowing the religious dictatorship in Tehran.

Nearly two months into the Middle East crisis and the devastating war in Gaza, a growing international consensus on war-mongering and the destructive role of the Iranian regime underscores the necessity of the ‘two-state solution’ for lasting peace in the Middle East. Mahmoud Abbas, the head of the Palestinian government, with the late Yasser Arafat, envisioned this solution based on rightful international interests. This necessity was reaffirmed in the recent emergency meeting of Arab and Islamic leaders, rejected by the Iranian regime, suggesting a hollow referendum for the Palestinian people to decide their fate.

Source » irannewsupdate