Hassan Nasrallah – Involved In

ifmat - Iran tasked Nasrallah with uniting Iraqi proxies

Iran tasked Nasrallah with uniting Iraqi proxies

The leaders of Iranian-backed paramilitary groups in Iraq have agreed to put their differences aside and back Hadi al-Amiri as the new chairman of the Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF) ...
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ifmat - Iran regime prepares for war with Israel

Iran regime prepares for war with Israel

Israeli Prime Minister and Defense Minister Binyamin Netanyahu spoke on October 10, 2019, at the memorial for the fatalities of the October 1973 War, and focused on the rising ...
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ifmat - Protests in Lebanon against corruption and Iran malign presence

Protests in Lebanon against corruption and Iran malign presence

The Lebanese people have launched protests against government corruption and the growing influence of Hezbollah, a known proxy of the Iranian regime, just weeks after mass demonstrations across Iraq ...
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ifmat - Soleimani says Hezbollah leader is an insecure little man

Soleimani says Hezbollah leader is an insecure little man

Iranian Major-General Qassem Soleimani may forgive but never forgets disobedience among his subordinates, even one as prominent as Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah
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ifmat - US Sanctions pressure Iran-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon

U.S. Sanctions pressure Iran-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon

The conflict between Iran and the U.S. that has created tensions throughout much of the Middle East is now also being felt in Lebanon, where Washington has slapped sanctions ...
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ifmat - Tehran initiated a number of offensive operations in the Persian gulf

Tehran initiated a number of offensive operations in the Persian gulf

Since abandoning its “strategic patience” policy in May 2019, which Iran adopted following the announcement by U.S. President, Donald Trump, in May 2018, to withdraw from the JCPOA and ...
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