Hassan Nasrallah – Involved In

ifmat - The cost of terrorism for Iran regime after the sanctions

The cost of terrorism for Iran regime after the sanctions

The U.S. president’s decision to quit the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on May 8th and to resume sanctions against...
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ifmat - US reveals details of Iranian network in UAE

US reveals details of Iranian network in UAE

The Iranian operatives in a recently caught UAE based ring were using a network of front and shell companies to forge documents to send money...
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ifmat - Qassem Soleimani - Iran shadowy general and spymaster

Qassem Soleimani – Iran’s shadowy general and spymaster

By all accounts, Qassem Soleimani is not a brash man. His humble background from a poor village in Iran’s Kerman province would not...
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ifmat - The Iranian regime robs its people to finance terrorism abroad

The Iranian regime robs its people to finance terrorism abroad

Since the 2006 war with Israel, Hezbollah has partnered Iran in furthering its imperial ambitions in the region...
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ifmat - Hezbollah is helping Hamas build rocket factories and training camps

Hezbollah is helping Hamas build rocket factories and training camps

Israel has complained to the UN Security Council, saying that Hamas is working with Hezbollah to establish missile factories and training camps...
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ifmat - Iran has multiplied its support for Hezbollah

Iran has multiplied its support for Hezbollah

A senior official at the United States Treasury said on Tuesday that Iran has multiplied its support for the Hezbollah terrorist group to a figure exceeding $700 million…
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