Hassan Nasrallah – Involved In

ifmat - Qatar connection to terrorist and Iran

Qatar connection to terrorist and Iran

In the year since the quartet of Arab states severed ties with Qatar over its support for international terrorism, it has often appeared as though the Qataris…
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ifmat - Iran security threat must be curtailed before trade talks

Iran’s security threat must be curtailed before trade talks

A battle is brewing not only between the United States and Iran, but also across the Atlantic. In response to the US withdrawal from the nuclear deal...
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ifmat - White House urges Qatar to end support of Iran's terror proxies

White House urges Qatar to end support of Iran’s terror proxies

The Trump administration reportedly urged Qatar on May 12 to cease supporting Iran’s terror proxies after email unveiled ties between the two...
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ifmat - US sanctions Hezbollah officials working to aid Iran

US sanctions Hezbollah officials working to aid Iran

The Trump administration’s crackdown on Iranian proxies continued Thursday, when it designated as terrorists two Hezbollah officials…
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ifmat - US calls on Qatar to stop funding terrorist militias loyal to Iran

US calls on Qatar to stop funding terrorist militias loyal to Iran

The Daily Telegraph published on Saturday communications between the administration of former US President George W. Bush and Qatar in which the latter...
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ifmat - Iranian money is taking over the Mideast

Iranian money is taking over the Mideast

On the morning of October 17 last year, around two dozen Islamic State militants drove into the center of the Sinai city of El-Arish and split into two groups...
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