IRGC – Aerospace Force – Involved In

ifmat - Iran parliament approves about 5 Billion Defense Spending

Iran parliament approves about $5 Billion Defense Spending

The Iranian lawmakers have approved the bill to allocate $5 billion to strengthen the country’s defense capabilities.
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ifmat - IRGC and Basij directives to State run TV to broadcast reports to propagate repression and terrorism

IRGC and Basij directives to State-run TV to broadcast reports to propagate repression and terrorism

IRGC, Basij leaders, and other repressive state agencies directives to the state television on what and how to broadcast reports to propagate repression, terrorism, export of extremism, and warmongering.
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ifmat - Iran says IRGC new missile equipped with powerful warhead

Iran says IRGC’s new missile equipped with powerful warhead

The new ballistic missile that the IRGC unveiled on Wednesday has been furnished with a powerful explosive warhead, a top commander said.
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ifmat - Iran says it will unveil new missile already in use

Iran says it will unveil new missile already in use

The head of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps air force says it will soon unveil a newly developed “strategic missile,” Iranian media report.
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ifmat - Iran pushes to increase ballistic missile range to cover Europe

Iran pushes to increase ballistic-missile range to cover Europe

While negotiations in Vienna on the nuclear issue continue sluggishly without a breakthrough, Iran continues to exert pressure and threaten the negotiating partners
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ifmat - Lab Dookhtegan exposed IRGC terrorist who is responsible for the shootdown of the Ukrainian plane

Lab Dookhtegan exposed IRGC terrorist who is responsible for the shootdown of the Ukrainian plane

One of the central perpetrators of this terrorist activity (the destruction of a Ukrainian plane) is a person who is responsible for the bereavement of 176 families and whose ...
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