IRGC – Aerospace Force – Involved In

ifmat - Iranian ballistic missile site hit by drone attack

Iranian ballistic missile site hit by drone attack

The Shahid Hemmat facility “is considered one of the most important military industrial complexes in Iran.”
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ifmat - Another IRGC Aerospace Force officer killed In Iran

Another IRGC Aerospace Force officer killed In Iran

Less than a week after Iran announced the death of two IRGC Aerospace Force officers under mysterious circumstances, another officer of the unit was killed, reports say.
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ifmat - Iran guards announce two Aerospace officers Martyred on duty

Iran’s guards announce two Aerospace officers ‘Martyred’ on duty

In a mysterious turn of events, the death of two IRGC’s Aerospace Force officers was *announced in Iran on Sunday, with hardliner media calling them “martyrs.”
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Iran adding advanced centrifuges at New Nuclear Sites

Parliament exempts nuclear agency and the Military from transparency laws

On Sunday, May 22, the Iranian regime’s Majlis [Parliament] exempted the regime’s Atomic Energy Agency and the Military from transparency laws. In recent years, political rivalries have led to ...
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ifmat - Iran unveils new drones and missile systems in parade

Iran unveils new drones and missile systems in parade

The Iranian Army units unveiled a number of new drones and homegrown missile systems on Monday in a military parade marking the National Army Day.
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ifmat - The US and Europe ignore Iranian missile tech developments at their own peril

The U.S. and Europe ignore Iranian missile tech developments at their own peril

The Biden administration is nearing a deal with Iran that it hopes could put the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program “back in a box.” The problem? The agreement—which aims to ...
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