IRGC – Aerospace Force – Involved In

ifmat - Iran war machine pursues ballistic and nuclear supremacy

Iran’s war machine pursues ballistic and nuclear supremacy

The head of US military operations in the Middle East, Gen. Frank McKenzie, recognizes that Iran and its proxies have achieved “overmatch” — the ability to fire many more ...
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ifmat - Tehran mysterious investigation failed after two years

Tehran’s mysterious investigation failed after two years

Two years ago, in the early morning of January 8, 2020, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) fired two surface-to-air missiles and destroyed Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 shortly ...
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ifmat - IRGC foresees advances in missiles and drones

IRGC foresees advances in missiles and drones

Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Air Force commander Amir Ali Hajizadeh praised the country's advances in a speech reported this weekend. He emphasized that Iran’s infrastructure had advanced and ...
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ifmat - Senior IRGC commander warns Iran enemies

Senior IRGC commander warns Iran’s enemies

A senior Iranian commander says that the Islamic Republic is prepared to deliver a “harsh response” to even the slightest aggression by the country’s enemies.
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ifmat - Riyadh calls for putting Iranian nuclear facilities under international supervision

Iran dissidents warn of regime’s use of drones to ‘destabilize’ region, using materials from China

Iranian dissidents are warning of the hard-line regime’s use of drones to cause instability in the region, saying it is using the technology – materials for which are being ...
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ifmat - Ethiopia is flying Iranian-Made armed drones10

Ethiopia is flying Iranian-Made armed drones

Since the outbreak of the conflict in Ethiopia’s Tigray Region, there have been reports on the possible use of drones by the ENDF, or the Ethiopian National Defence Force. ...
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