Majid Kakavand – Involved In

Amnesty International-Iran: Three at Risk of Torture

Amnesty International Twitter 9 June, 2023: Amnesty is alarmed at the Iranian authorities’ harassment of the family of tortured protester Majid Kazemi, whom they arbitrary executed on 19 May. ...
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Iran’s ‘suicide drones’ are being developed at British universities

Scientists at British universities helped the Iranian regime develop technology that can be used in its drone programme and fighter jets, a JC investigation has revealed. Senior MPs and ...
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Islamic Republic’s Cyber Army

Psychological warfare, known by a number of names including psychological operations and “psy ops," is one of the oldest tactics employed in wars. Such tactics are aimed at undermining ...
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Iranian Regime’s Covert Methods to Circumvent Sanctions

For decades, the Iranian Resistance has warned the world community about how Tehran circumvents international sanctions imposed on it due to its malign activities. This fact was once again ...
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Regime Mounts Pressure On Family Of Executed Protester

A cousin of one of three executed protesters in Isfahan says pressure is mounting on the family of one of three Iranians hanged in the regime's latest execution spree. ...
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ISJ Strongly condemned the Execution of Three Protesters in Iran

May 21, 2023: The International Committee in Search of Justice (ISJ), issued a statement and strongly condemned the execution of three young Iranian protesters by the mullahs’ regime. ISJ ...
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