Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf – Involved In

ifmat - Supreme Leader initiatives for presidential election

Supreme Leader’s initiatives for presidential election

Today, the Islamic Republic system in Iran faces critical and backbreaking challenges that it has never before experienced. The government wrestles with unprecedented economic dilemmas, and the coronavirus outbreak ...
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ifmat - Iran chief oppressor of opposition - Raisi to run for president

Iran’s chief oppressor of opposition – Raisi to run for president

Iran’s chief justice Ebrahim Raisi has vowed to bring former US president Donald Trump to court if proven guilty of involvement in the assassination of the late Quds Force ...
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ifmat - Is Mohsen Rezaee emerging as Iran pragmatic leader

Is Mohsen Rezaee emerging as Iran’s pragmatic leader

Rezaee’s political journey is an interesting one. Firmly within the conservative spectrum of Iranian politics, he has for years been a close regime insider, embodying, as it is known ...
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ifmat - Military candidates in Iran elections raise worry of further IRGC control

Military candidates in Iran elections raise worry of further IRGC control

A string of military figures on the list of Iranian presidential hopefuls is stirring unease over a possible further militarization of the Islamic Republic’s politics.
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ifmat - Iran election turnout predicted at just 25 percent

Iran election turnout predicted at just 25 percent

The Iranian government is terrified of what will happen in the June presidential elections, predicting a minuscule 25% turnout because of how many people have not faith in the ...
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ifmat - Us Passes House resolution in favour of Iranian People

Us Passes House resolution in favour of Iranian People

The Organization of Iranian American Communities (OIAC) held a press conference Tuesday on a resolution on Iran introduced to the House of Representatives.
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