Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf – Involved In

ifmat - 80 percent of the people in Iran are below the poverty

80 percent of the people in Iran are below the poverty

Iran’s president Hassan Rouhani on March 2, 2021 claimed that, “When we said that the centrifuges would spin and the wheel of the economy would spin too, we kept ...
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ifmat - Iran economy in bad shape under mullahs

Iran’s economy in bad shape under mullahs

The Iranian economy is suffering greatly right now, which means that the people of Iran are much worse off, struggling to put food on the table, but still the ...
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ifmat - The FATF crisis and the incurable pain of Iran Government

The FATF crisis and the incurable pain of Iran’s Government

One major point of contention in the factional feuding that exists in Iran is the issue of the regime joining the international conventions related to the Financial Action Task ...
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ifmat - BDS groups partner with terrorists from Gaza and Iran to fight normalization

BDS groups partner with terrorists from Gaza and Iran to fight normalization

A coalition of more than 60 anti-Israel and pro-BDS organizations have launched a “Peoples Against Normalization” campaign, simultaneously declaring the year 2021 as the “Year Against Normalization” at an ...
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ifmat - Iran budget approved but its not a good thing

Iran budget approved but its not a good thing

The Iranian parliament (Majlis) has finally approved the government’s 2021-22 budget bill following a month of arguments between the members of the parliament and the members of President Hassan ...
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ifmat - Russia refuses to play Irans political games

Russia refuses to play Iran’s political games

The first foreign trip made by Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf last week turned out to be both a PR disaster and an embarrassment, sparking massive controversy across ...
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