Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf – Involved In

ifmat - Why Twitter should ban Iran supreme leader

The scandalous journey of Qalibaf and its message for Khamenei

Iran’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei engaged in another political gamble about the Iran nuclear deal, known by the acronym JCPOA, and the return of the US government to it.
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ifmat - What is the cause for Iran economic crisis

What is the cause for Iran’s economic crisis

The economic crisis in Iran has been the focus of media attention around the world, with the regime and its apologists blaming foreign sanctions, but the Iranian Resistance states that the ...
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ifmat - Iran HRM - January Report on Iran Human Rights Violations

Iran HRM – January Report on Iran Human Rights Violations

As the coronavirus death toll in Iran surpasses 210,000, the regime has still not bought any of the approved vaccines, following a ban on the import of vaccines from ...
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ifmat - No sanctions relief for Iran unless it is earned with a change of behavior

No sanctions relief for Iran unless it is earned with a change of behavior

The Islamic Republic of Iran keeps doubling down on its demands for unearned relief from US sanctions, but so far the Biden administration has responded appropriately by saying that ...
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ifmat - Iranian parliament speaker calls for creation of financial and trade hub with Russia

Iranian parliament speaker calls for creation of financial and trade hub with Russia

Russia and Iran could create a financial and trade hub to develop economic ties and facilitate interaction between entrepreneurs of the two countries, Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf ...
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ifmat - Iranian authorities secretly bury executed political prisoners in Ahvaz

Iranian authorities secretly bury executed political prisoners in Ahvaz

Political prisoners executed in various prisons in Ahvaz, a city in the southwest of Iran, are buried in complete secrecy in a secret cemetery. The purpose of this is ...
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