Sina Bank – Involved In

Who is Iran’s new acting president – Mohammad Mokhber?

Iran expert Raz Zimmt of both INSS and the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center said that First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber would step into Ebrahim Raisi’s role ...
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ifmat - Iran supreme leader criticizes US as nuclear talks stalled

Exclusive market of “Foundation of the Oppressed” and “Shahrekord Hijab Company” in a black tent

Mandatory hijab, especially the chador, although one of the main and ideological symbols in the Islamic Republic, but beyond it, is one of the most important enterprises of rent ...
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ifmat - A man runs over two women in Iran for Bad Hijab

A man runs over two women in Iran for ‘Bad Hijab’

Chief Justice Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Ejei has ordered an urgent investigation of an alleged attack Sunday on two women in Orumieh, capital of Iran’s north-western province of West Azarbaijan, for not ...
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ifmat - Meet Iran new first vice president and Chief Of Staff

Meet Iran’s new first vice president and Chief Of Staff

On Sunday, Iran’s new President Ebrahim Raisi named Mohammad Mokhber as his first vice president and Gholamhossein Esmaili as his chief of staff. It will be the first time ...
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ifmat - Dissident abroad threatened to death by Iran Intelligence

Dissident abroad threatened to death by Iran Intelligence

Hengaw Iranian human rights organization announced Sunday that the family members of the chief editor of its website Arsalan Yarahmadi were questioned by Iran’s intelligence ministry agents who threatened ...
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ifmat - IRGC Financial Empire

IRGC Financial Empire

The IRGC is the main force of the regime, which both oppresses people inside Iran and exports chaos and terrorism abroad. But the question is how this entity is ...
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