The Basij Resistance Force – Involved In

ifmat - In Iran, trouble still lurks on the horizon

In Iran, trouble still lurks on the horizon

Protests that shook Iran a month ago were not just aimed at the economy. They developed into a broader outcry against the Islamic regime. The protests, which began over ...
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ifmat - New protests are spreading over different cities

New protests are spreading over different cities

On January 22, cities and villages throughout the country witnessed protests by the people and rising youth against the corrupt regime of the Velayat-e faqih…
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ifmat - A report on violation of human rights of Iran protesters

A report on violation of human rights of Iran protesters

Thousands of Iranians angry over rising food prices, government institutions’ scam and inflation protested in the country’s second-largest city and other areas Thursday...
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ifmat - Intelligence ministry gents intimidate family of killed protester

Intelligence ministry intimidate family of killed protester

Nematollah Shafiei was a bystander who was shot and killed during protests in Qahderijan, Isfahan Province, on January 2, 2018, his brother Hossein...
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ifmat - 3700 Iranian Protesters Have Been Arrested by the Government

3,700 Iranian protesters have been arrested by the government

An Iranian reformist lawmaker said Tuesday that some 3,700 people were arrested in the days of protests and unrest that roiled Iran over the past two weeks...
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ifmat - Iranian protesters relatives threatened with arrest

Iranian protesters relatives threatened with arrest – demonstrations continue in front of Evin prison

The families of protesters detained during the anti-government protests that began in Iran on December 28, 2017, have been threatened with arrest...
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