The Basij Resistance Force – Involved In

ifmat - 40 University students arrested by the Iranian security forces

40 University students arrested by the Iranian security forces

More than 40 Iranian university students, mostly activists, were arrested between December 30, 2017, and January 4, 2018...
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ifmat - Lawyers call for prosecution of Iranian officials who incited violence against protesters

Lawyers call for prosecution of Iranian officials who incited violence against protesters

Nobel Peace Laureate Shirin Ebadi and five other prominent Iranian human rights lawyers have called for the prosecution of state officials who have encouraged violence against protesters in...
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ifmat - iron fist threatened if unrest continues in Iran

‘Iron Fist’ threatened by Iran if unrest continues

Think about what it’s been doing with Hezbollah in Lebanon for the past decade or so. Since Israel and Hezbollah went to war in 2006, Iran has flooded its ...
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ifmat - Iran regime deploys fightets from syrian civil war

Iran regime deploys fighters from Syrian civil war to subdue protests

The Iranian Regime has redeployed fighters from the Syrian Civil War, like the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces (PMUs) and Afghan mercenaries, to quell the ongoing anti-regime protests...
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ifmat - Iranian protests are about freedom

Iranian protests are about freedom

As the Iranian people gather in their tens of thousands to protest a brutal Regime, many hope that soon the mullah’s reign will be consigned to history’s rubbish heap...
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ifmat - Demonstrations and clashes continue on the seventh day in Iran

Demonstrations and clashes continue on the seventh day in Iran

On Wednesday, January 3, on the seventh day of the uprising, in addition to Tehran, various cities of the country kept the flames of the uprising aflame...
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