The Basij Resistance Force – Involved In

ifmat - Woman arrested for having breakfast without wearing hijab

Woman arrested for having breakfast without wearing hijab

Even as anti-hijab protests continued in Iran and spread to Afghanistan, an Iranian woman named Donya Rad was arrested for having breakfast without wearing a hijab on Friday.
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ifmat - Iran youths broke the spell of fear

Iran’s youths broke the spell of fear

One of the main characteristics of the recent protests in Iran is the courage and fearlessness of the people, especially youths, revolting against the regime forces.
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ifmat - Iraq summons Iranian ambassador after drone bombing campaign

Iraq summons Iranian ambassador after drone bombing campaign

Iraq summoned the Iranian ambassador on Thursday to deliver a diplomatic complaint following a deadly drone bombing campaign, the Iraqi Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
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ifmat - Mahsa Amini hijab protests Iran has never seen a movement like this

Mahsa Amini hijab protests: Iran has never seen a movement like this

The protests in Iran this month started after 22-year-old Mahsa Amini decided to visit Tehran. She was reportedly coming out of the subway when she was spotted by Iran’s ...
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ifmat - Mahsa Amini protests When will Iran internet censorship collapse

Mahsa Amini protests: When will Iran’s internet censorship collapse?

In the wake of the killing of Mahsa Amini by the hijab police (or morality police, as they prefer to call themselves), people across Iran are demonstrating against the ...
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ifmat - Protester killings must be urgently investigated by international accountability mechanism

Protester killings must be urgently investigated by international accountability mechanism

Amnesty International’s ongoing investigations into the crackdown on popular protests in Iran have revealed widespread patterns of unlawful use of force and ruthless violence by security forces.
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