The Basij Resistance Force – Involved In

ifmat - Iran Basij Force Specialists in Cracking Down on Dissent

Iran’s Basij Force: Specialists in Cracking Down on Dissent

Iranian security forces, including the pro-government Basij militia, are trying to quell growing nationwide protests that erupted after a woman died in the custody of the morality police last ...
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ifmat - Iranian police use tear gas and water cannon to disperse Protest Over Woman Death

Iran restricts internet and social media as protests spread

Iran has partially restricted access to the Internet and social media platforms as protests spread to at least 50 cities following the death of a 22-year old woman who ...
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ifmat - Iranian Regime Facing Major Challenge From Intense Protests

Iranian Regime Facing Major Challenge From Intense Protests

Women removing their head scarves and waving them defiantly in public while some are burning their veils and throwing them into bonfires to the cheers of men. Others are ...
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ifmat - Tehran regime fears massive new demonstrations on Friday

Tehran regime fears massive new demonstrations on Friday

The regime in Tehran is braced for Iran’s biggest protests in three years on Friday amid mounting anger over the death of a young Kurdish woman in police custody.
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ifmat - US Officials React To Death Of Young Woman Protests In Iran

Iranian IRGC prepares for harsher suppression of protests

The Iranian IRGC media has issued warnings that the recent popular protests would likely be suppressed more harshly after President Ebrahim Raisi returns from the UN General Assembly in ...
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ifmat - Iran may disrupt internet for security reasons as protests extend to day five

Iran protests pose new test for clerical leadership

Women setting their headscarves ablaze and chanting anti-regime slogans. Pictures of the leadership defaced and burned. Vehicles belonging to the security forces set on fire.
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