Hassan Nasrallah – Involved In

ifmat - US imposes sanctions on Hezbollah officials accused of supporting Iranian terrorist regime

U.S. imposes sanctions on Hezbollah officials accused of supporting Iranian terrorist regime

The United States imposed sanctions on three senior Hezbollah officials in Lebanon on Tuesday, accusing them of having a “malign agenda” to support the Iranian regime
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ifmat - Irans retaliation may target the US allies all over the world

Iran’s retaliation may target the US allies all over the world

Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani has warned that Iran's retaliatory actions against U.S. will target America’s allies in the region, and around the world. He ...
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ifmat - Hezbollah is giving orders to Syria's army to spy on Israel

Hezbollah is giving orders to Syria’s army to spy on Israel

Earlier this month, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based watchdog group, reported that Israeli fighter jets struck Hezbollah positions on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights. ...
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ifmat - Iran Regime constantly threatened to block Hormuz

Iran Regime constantly threatened to block Hormuz

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in Tehran on June 13, hoping to ease tensions between Iran and the US. When Abe offered to ...
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ifmat - Human Rights Abuses by Iran on foreign prisoners

Human Rights Abuses by Iran on foreign prisoners

On Tuesday, the US State Department released a statement responding to the Iranian government’s release of Nizar Zakka, one of several persons with US citizenship or close ties to ...
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ifmat - Terrorist Organization Hezbollah is worried about money after US put sanctions on Iran

Terrorist Organization Hezbollah is worried about money after U.S. put sanctions on Iran

US President Trump is waging financial warfare against Iran and its terrorist network. Hezbollah, Iran’s terrorist proxy in Lebanon, is getting the worst of it, as the Trump administration ...
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