Hassan Nasrallah – Involved In

ifmat - After sanctions on Iran Regime Hezbollah is facing economic crisis

After sanctions on Iran Regime Hezbollah is facing economic crisis

In early November, the sanctions reimposed by the US targeted Iran's oil revenue. They aimed to cut Iran’s exports down to zero. Previously, the US had granted temporary import ...
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ifmat - Houthi from Yemen launch fundraising drive for Hezbollah

Houthi from Yemen launch fundraising drive for Hezbollah

A Yemeni radio station broadcasting in support of the Yemeni rebel Houthi movement has launched a fundraising drive on behalf of Hezbollah, which has come under pressure from ramped-up ...
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ifmat - US sanctions force Hezbollah to cut spending on fighters

U.S. sanctions force Hezbollah to cut spending on fighters

Re-imposed US sanctions have affected Iran’s ability to finance Hezbollah, its proxy in Lebanon, forcing the militia group to cut expenditure by recalling fighters in Syria and laying off ...
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ifmat - A look at Iranian regional proxy militias

A look at Iranian regional proxy militias

Qassem Suleimani, the head of Iran’s powerful Quds Force, reportedly told Iranian proxy militias in Iraq that they should be ready for a proxy war. Who exactly are these ...
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ifmat - Iran regional proxies ensure it will never fight alone

Iran’s regional proxies ensure it will never fight alone

That message was delivered by the leader of Lebanon's Hezbollah militant group to a mass rally in Beirut in February marking the 40th anniversary of Iran's Islamic Revolution
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ifmat - IRGC has set up a training base in Lebanon

IRGC has set up a training base in Lebanon

The US State Department has released a video alleging that Iran has established a military training base in Lebanon in close proximity to Rayak Air Force base near the ...
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