Hassan Nasrallah – Involved In

ifmat - Hezbollah leader Nasrallah threatens to invade Israel

Hezbollah leader Nasrallah threatens to invade Israel

The leader of the Iranian-sponsored Lebanese terrorist organization Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, has repeated his threat to invade Israel’s northern Galilee region
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ifmat - US offers reward for intelligence that would disrupt Hezbollah cash flow

U.S. offers reward for intelligence that would disrupt Hezbollah cash flow

The United States is offering up to $10 million for information that would disrupt the cash flow of the Iranian-sponsored terrorist organization, Hezbollah
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ifmat - Iran request militias in Iraq and Lebanon to defend against flood protests

Iran request militias in Iraq and Lebanon to defend against flood protests

Speaking to the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC)-run Tasnin news agency, Sheik Mo'ein Daqiq said on Tuesday that the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, has called upon all young ...
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ifmat - Following Iraqi shiite militias Hezbollah shows up in Iran for flood relief

Following Iraqi Shiite militias, Hezbollah shows up in Iran ‘for flood relief’

The representative of the Lebanese Hezbollah in Iran says a significant number of young Lebanese are currently in Iran, helping relief operations for the flood-stricken people
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ifmat - Hezbollah is international terrorist and paramilitary organization controlled by Iran

Hezbollah is international terrorist and paramilitary organization controlled by Iran

Hezbollah, the Shia political party and militant group based in Lebanon, acts as a proxy for Iranian terror and crime internationally, recognizing Iran’s Shia clerical leadership as its religious ...
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ifmat - Big win for US on policy toward Iran regime

Big win for U.S. on policy toward Iran regime

It’s been nearly a year since Donald Trump made the decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, to loud cries that it would bring nothing but woe to ...
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