Khamenei Opposes Being Succeeded by Son

Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has opposed any discussion about his sons being considered as potential successors, a member of Iran's Assembly of Experts has said. In an interview with ILNA news agency, Mahmoud Mohammadi

Father of Executed Protester Arrested in Iran

Iranian authorities have arrested Masoud Shekari, the father of a young protester executed in connection with the 2022 uprising. The Shekari family reportedly said that Shekari "suffers from a mental illness" that

Kurdish Kolbar Killed in Western Iran

Iranian border forces in western Kurdistan province have shot and killed a Kurdish transborder porter, or kolbar. Jaafar Faraji, a father of two from the village of Dovlat Qaleh in Saqqez, was among a group of

Iran Convicted 44 Foreign-Based Journalists In Absentia

A leaked document has revealed that Tehran’s Revolutionary Court convicted 44 foreign-based journalists and media activists in absentia two years ago over the allegation of “propaganda against the government

Leaked Documents Give Glimpse of Repression in Iran

A 16-year-old girl who disappeared during Iran’s 2022 uprising was raped before being killed, according to classified documentation leaked by a hacktivist group. "During the genital examination, indications of

Document Shows Iranian Protester Raped Before Murder

A recently unveiled document has revealed that 16-year-old Nika Shakarami was raped by state-backed security during the Women, Life, Freedom protests. The document, circulating on social media and seemingly discovered

Dozens of Basij Forces Resign in Southeast Iran

Twenty-eight veteran members of the paramilitary Basij force stationed in two key Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) bases in southeastern Iran have reportedly resigned due to disagreements over deployment