The Basij Resistance Force – Involved In

ifmat - Renewed hijab crackdown threatens countrys fledgling start-up sector

Renewed hijab crackdown threatens country’s fledgling start-up sector

Last month, pictures surfaced of female employees at Digi Kala - Iran's largest e-commerce company - working without hijabs and quickly spread on social media networks.
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ifmat - As Mahsa Amini protest anniversary approaches Iran crackdown on student activists intensifies

As Mahsa Amini protest anniversary approaches, Iran’s crackdown on student activists intensifies

Since last September, when Iran experienced widespread anti-establishment protests, at least 155 university students have been suspended from their studies, and two others have been expelled from universities, an ...
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ifmat - German-made cameras used to catch Iranian women defying hijab ban

German-made cameras used to catch Iranian women defying hijab ban

German engineering giant Bosch supplied thousands of CCTV cameras to Iran that are being used to track women who defy the country’s strict Islamic laws, an investigation has claimed.
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ifmat - The Protests Inside Irans Girls Schools

The Protests Inside Iran’s Girls’ Schools

One morning this past winter, the students at a girls’ high school in Tehran were told that education officials would arrive that week to inspect their classrooms and check ...
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ifmat - Women defying the Hijab Laws in Iran are being forced into Psychiatric Treatment

Women defying the Hijab Laws in Iran are being forced into Psychiatric Treatment

Iran's government is sending women for counseling in an effort to enforce regulations requiring them to cover their hair
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ifmat - Satirist Arrested Amidst Crackdown On Social Media Activists In Iran

Satirist Arrested Amidst Crackdown On Social Media Activists In Iran

Renowned satirist Shaker Bouri has been arrested by intelligence agents in Iran.
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