Connected entities with IRGC-Qods Force – networks

Showing: 316 - 333 of 333

Logo / ImageNameStatusActivitiesCountry
ifmat-black figuresHasan Dehghan EbrahimiTop Alert - Designated / Sanctioned / Illicit entityIRGC-QF official based in Beirut, Lebanon who maintains direct ties to senior IRGC-QF officials in Tehran, is being designated for acting for or on behalf of the IRGC-QFIran
ifmat-black figuresAli SharifiTop Alert - Designated / Sanctioned / Illicit entityWorked to procure aviation spare parts on behalf of the IRGC-QFIran
ifmat-blackcompaniesLandstar Tech Company Ltd.Top Alert - Designated / Sanctioned / Illicit entityInvolvement in activities that could be contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States and also used by Yi-Lan Chen in the purchase of nickel alloy glass-to-metal pin seals exported from the United States to IranTaiwan
ifmat - Azim AghajaniAzim AghajaniTop Alert - Designated / Sanctioned / Illicit entityA member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps -Qods Force (IRGC-QF)Iran
ifmat-black figuresAli Akbar TabatabaeiTop Alert - Designated / Sanctioned / Illicit entitiyMember of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods ForceIran
ifmat-ahmad-vahidiBrigadier-General Ahmad VahidiTop Alert - Designated / Sanctioned / Illicit entityIranian military commander of the Revolutionary GuardsIran
ifmat-brigadier-general-qasem-soleimani1Brigadier General Qassam SoleimaniTop Alert - Designated / Sanctioned / Illicit entityOrchestrated terrorist attacks in Thailand, India, Nigeria, and Kenya; Organized Iraqi militias to conduct attacks on U.S. forces in IraqIran
ifmat - Mohammad Reza ZahediBrigadier General Mohammad Reza ZahediTop Alert - Designated / Sanctioned / Illicit entityCommander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF) in LebanonIran
Brigadier General Hossein SalamiTop Alert - Designated / Sanctioned / Illicit entityIranian military officer with the rank of Major general, who currently serves as the commander-in-chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard CorpsIran
ifmat - IRGC-logoIRGC – Islamic Revolutionary Guard CorpsTop Alert - Designated / Sanctioned / Illicit entitiesInvolved in planning and support for terrorist acts and groups, personnel sanctioned for missile and nuclear proliferation activitiesIran
ifmat-tidewaterlogotopTidewater Middle East CompanyTop Alert - Designated / Sanctioned / Illicit entityOwned by Mehr-e Eqtesand-e Iranian Investment Company and the IRGCIran
ifmat-PFLP3Popular Front For The Liberation of PalestineTop Alert - Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violationIran funds Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine with weapons, money, training and terrorist attacksSyria
ifmatPIJPalestinian Islamic JihadTop Alert - Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violationIran is a major financial supporter of the PIJ, has seen its power steadily increase with the backing of funds from IranPalestine
ifmat-hamastopHamasTop Alert - Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violationHamas is Iran-backed organization, Iran funds Hamas with money, weapons, missiles, peoplePalestine
ifmathezbollahHezbollahTop Alert - Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violationHezbollah receives most of its financial, training, weapons, explosives, political, diplomatic, and organizational aid from IranLebanon
ifmat- Mahanair1Mahan AirTop Alert - Designated / Sanctioned / Illicit entityMahan Airlines is acting on behalf of Iranian terrorism agendaIran
Ansar BankTop Alert - Designated / Sanctioned / Illicit entityOwned and controlled by Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)Iran
ifmat-BankofKunlunKunlun BankTop Alert - Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violationBank of Kunlun has provided significant financial services to more than six Iranian banks that were designated by the United StatesChina