Connected entities with Bank Melli – networks

Showing: 1 - 35 of 57

Logo / ImageNameStatusActivitiesCountry
IFMAT - Companies High AlertNIZIP General TradingHigh Alert - Entity affiliated with Designated / Sanctioned / Illicit entitiesNIZIP General Trading is working with Press TV and Bank MelliUnited Arab Emirates
Central Bank of IraqHigh Alert - Entity affiliated with Designated / Sanctioned / Illicit entitiesThe Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) has played an important role in Iran’s exploitation of the Iraqi economy, providing Iran critical access to hard currency and profits from illicit and quasi-legitimate financial activity.Iraq
ifmat-black figuresMashallah BakhtiariTop Alert – Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violationShoushtaripousti worked with Mashallah Bakhtiari, who used Kosar Company to launder money and worked with officials at the Baghdad-based branch of Iran’s Bank Melli to deposit funds for the IRGC-QF in IraqIran
ifmat - AresbankAresbankRisk Alert - Entity in a problematic sector - Sector controlled by the Top Alert entitiesNoted for conducting business with U.S. and Iranian designated-banks. Bank Melli Iran and Aresbank of Spain to Expand TiesItaly
ifmat - Al AqiliAl Aqili GroupTop Alert – Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violationActivities of Al Aqili Group LLC include arranging oil sales for the IRGC and facilitating the circumvention of oil sanctions by disguising the oil’s originUnited Arab Emirates
ifmat-black figuresSaeed Al AqiliTop Alert – Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violationUses his companies to assist Iran in selling oil in evasion of sanctionsUnited Arab Emirates
ifmat - Commercial Bank of SyriaCommercial Bank of SyriaTop Alert – Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violationEngaged in dealings with several Iranian banks designated by Treasury under E.O. 13382, including the Export Development Bank of Iran, Bank Saderat and Bank MelliSyria
ifmat - Deutsche BundesbankDeutsche BundesbankRisk Alert - Entity in a problematic sector - Sector controlled by the Top Alert entitiesCentral bank of Germany, Deutche Bundesbank, colludes with, Iranian Central Bank, CBI, to bypass, US sanctionsGermany
Central Bank of IranTop Alert – Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violationMaterially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to, the IRGC-QF and HizballahIran
ifmat- Bank Refah KargaranBank Refah KargaranTop Alert – Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violationProvides financial services to Iran's Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces LogisticsIran
ifmat-blackcompaniesPersian Gulf Sabz KarafarinanTop Alert – Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violationControlled by Bank MelliIran
ifmat - BIDCBehshahr Industrial Development CorporationTop Alert – Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violationControlled by Bank MelliIran
ifmat - NIMIDCONational Industries and Mining Development CompanyTop Alert – Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violationOwned or controlled by Bank Melli or one of Bank Melli’s subsidiariesIran
ifmat - Melli international building and industry companyMelli International Building and Industry CompanyTop Alert – Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violationOwned or controlled by Bank Melli or one of Bank Melli’s subsidiariesIran
ifmat - Cement Industy investment and development companyCement Industry Investment and Development CompanyTop Alert – Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violationOwned or controlled by Bank Melli or one of Bank Melli’s subsidiariesIran
ifmat - tosee meli investment companyTosee Melli Investment CompanyTop Alert – Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violationOwned and controlled by Bank MelliIran
ifmat - Tose melli group investment companyTose-E Melli Group Investment CompanyTop Alert – Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violationOwned by Bank MelliIran
ifmat - Mir business bankMir Business Bank ZaoTop Alert – Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violationLinked to Iran's proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities or Iran's development of nuclear weapon delivery systemsRussia
ifmat - Arian Bank - top alertArian BankTop Alert – Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violationArian Bank is designated by the U.S. Treasury for being owned by Bank MelliAfghanistan
ifmat-blackcompaniesMelli Bank PLCTop Alert – Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violationProvided financial support and services for companies that are involved in and procure goods for Iran's nuclear and missile programsUnited Kingdom
ifmat - alavi foundationAlavi FoundationTop Alert - Entity sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violationProviding numerous services to the Iranian Regime such as: managing the Government building, running a charitable organization and transferring funds the Iranian Regime to illicit entity - Bank Melli IranUnited States
ifmat-blackcompaniesTehran GostareshTop Alert – Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violationA contracting company controlled by Bonyad Taavon Sepah which was created by commanders of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)Iran
ifmat - A SedghiA. SedghiMedium Alert - Entities sanctioned in the past for Terror or Illicit activities / WMD related / Human rights violationsChairman and Non-executive Director of Melli Bank PLCIran
ifmat - Shazan Petrochemical CompanyShazand Petrochemical CompanyTop Alert – Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violationOwned and controlled by the Iran RegimeIran
ifmat-orangecompaniesAl Hilal ExchangeMedium Alert - Entity designated / sanctioned in the past for terror, WMD and human rights violationProvided foreign currency exchange services worth more than $55 million to Bank Mellat and has also provided currency exchange services to Bank MelliUnited Arab Emirates
ifmat-orangecompaniesAl Fida International General TradingMedium Alert - Entity designated / sanctioned in the past for terror, WMD and human rights violationCollaborated with Al Hilal Exchange to provide Bank Mellat with access to foreign currency, Bank Mellat transferred currency to Al Hilal Exchange through an Al Fida General Trading account in an attempt to obscure the origins of the fundsUnited Arab Emirates
ifmat-orangecompaniesAssa Company LimitedMedium Alert - Entity designated / sanctioned in the past for terror, WMD and human rights violationProviding numerous services to Bank Melli in contravention of IEEPA and the Iranian Transactions Regulations promulgated thereunder including transferring rental income generated from 650 Fifth Avenue Company to Bank MelliUnited States
ifmat-orangecompaniesAssa CorporationMedium Alert - Entity designated / sanctioned in the past for terror, WMD and human rights violationProviding numerous services to Bank Melli in contravention of IEEPA and the Iranian Transactions Regulations promulgated thereunder, including transferring rental income generated from 650 Fifth Avenue Company to Bank MelliUnited States
ifmat - mazandar cementMazandaran Cement CompanyMedium Alert - Entities sanctioned in the past for Terror or Illicit activities / WMD related / Human rights violationsA cement company created to manage the cement interests of Bank Melli Iran Investment Company (BMICC)Iran
ifmat - melli agrochemicalMelli Agrochemical Company PJSMedium Alert - Entities sanctioned in the past for Terror or Illicit activities / WMD related / Human rights violationsProduces pesticides; owned or controlled by Bank Melli Iran Investment Company (BMIIC)Iran
ifmat-orangecompaniesMazandaran Textile CompanyMedium Alert - Entities sanctioned in the past for Terror or Illicit activities / WMD related / Human rights violationsOwned or controlled by Bank Melli Iran Investment Company (BMIIC); produces cotton fabrics, woolen fabrics, artificial fibers, and other textilesIran
ifmat-orangecompaniesFirst Persian Equity FundMedium Alert - Entities sanctioned in the past for Terror or Illicit activities / WMD related / Human rights violationsOwned or controlled by, or acting or purporting to act for or on behalf of Melli Investment Holding International (MEHR) and Bank Melli Iran Investment Company (BMIIC)Iran
ifmat-orangecompaniesMEHR Cayman Ltd.Medium Alert - Entity sanctioned in the past for terror, WMD and human rights violationProliferator of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and their delivery systemsCayman Islands
ifmat - Shomal cementShomal Cement CompanyTop Alert – Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violationControlled by Bank MelliIran
ifmat-blackcompaniesBMIIC International General Trading Ltd.Top Alert – Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violationControlled by Bank MelliUnited Arab Emirates